Monday, August 30, 2010

Reason 4: Freedom

I socialize a lot. This summer has been so full of parties and BBQ’s, that I am exhausted and actually can’t wait for autumn. Sadly, this summer we also lost mom to ovarian cancer. I remember being at parties as mom’s health began to decline, thinking that I would have to get a taxi if something happened, because I am unable to drive. I hated that feeling.

The ability to drive anywhere on social nights out on the town without fear is very empowering. Combined with the money you save, you can triple the amount of things you can do. Before I would be locked in to going somewhere within walking distance, now I can drive from a jazz band in St. Paul to a piano bar in Minneapolis in the same evening.

I mentioned things like going to the gym, running, or learning a foreign language and you may be thinking “yeah right, we’ll see about that.” I agree with you, just because I’m not drinking doesn’t mean I suddenly have the motivation to work out three times a week. But before the alcohol was preventing me, and now I will at least have the option to do so.

In a smaller sense, freedom means free from something that was in control of me. When I think of why I have to wait until labor day to quit drinking, it’s because I thought, well, I will HAVE to drink on my 30th birthday. If you know me, you know I like to be in control of myself (and sometimes more than that). Drinking was fine until I started realizing it was something I felt I had to do. Then, in standard Wes Whalberg defiance, I decided to tell drinking it had no control over me, and to get out of my life.

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