Monday, September 6, 2010

Enemy 4: I owe it to myself

 I saw Bill Cosby live once and he was just hilarious.  This pretty much sums up my point.  I have been responsible, I have worked hard, why shouldn't I be able to enjoy a drink whenever I want?  The only way I can think of to change this mindset is to come up with some other reward for a job well done, and that something needs to be less addictive, less expensive, and more wholesome than drinking, otherwise there is no point.


  1. I had Bill Cosby records as a kid. His honesty was what was so funny. That human quality that is
    so true in all of us.
    Thomas Edison once said 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration!
    You have to work for what you want.
    ...and don't think you can alway hit a home run.

  2. I have seen him live too. He did the dentist bit almost word for word. It was surreal seeing it in person after having practically memorized it from watching as a kid. I don't get sick like he shows, but I do often ask myself why I say the same thing at the end of the week. "I deserve to get drunk..and get out of my way". Then I spend all day Sunday and Monday in pain. Only to do the same thing over again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
