First 20 minutes of a hangover for me: I wake up, and the headache makes me remember the drinks I had that caused it. Remembering the drinks usually leads to a sick feeling and a sudden rush of guilt or embarrassment as I remember the money that flitted away with the bar tab, or remember anything stupid I did or said through the evening. I try to think of some genius way to eliminate the hangover, usually imagining that a hot shower ought to do it. I take one, and find that the hot water will run out long before the hangover does. I crawl back into bed, unable to find a comfortable position and try to go back to sleep, but rarely do.
By the way, thanks Mark for putting me on to a few other blogs where people are going through the same thing - one from Australia! I love technology today. I plan to take time to read through these. It will take a while, they are more towards the six month point in the journey.
I think you are now following two from Australia - one is mine, the other is the other one I mentioned, year off the piss. I'm in Brisbane, I think she is in Sydney.