Saturday, March 5, 2011

Three months in India

I haven't been blogging about not drinking since I came out here because there is little to discuss.  Drinking here in Bangalore is far less prominent than drinking in the US.  There is liquor for sale at the stores, and they serve drinks at the bar, but so far almost everyone I have spoken to either drinks very rarely or not at all.

I can say that if I hadn't committed to staying sober, I would have bought a case of beer to have in my apartment just out of habit by now.  After working a long hard day I come home to movies and internet and really nobody to talk to, so I could see myself spending this time kicking my feet up and having a few, or going to the restaurant next door and ordering a rum and coke with dinner.  Instead I have been editing films and reading books.  Would I do this if I were drinking?  I guess I'll never know.

Expect to see more about India than drinking in the next several posts unless I think of any other drinking topics.  And by the way, tomorrow is 6 months sober.  Halfway home.


  1. Congrats on hitting the halfway point. Keep it up.

  2. Reading books? Did you finish the book I got you?
