Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reason 3: Health

Doing this from my phone in Pittsburgh is tough, so I'll be brief. The heaviest drinking years for me were freshmen and sophomore year of college, and second heaviest were the year after undergrad when all my friends turned 21.

I do the math on the binge drinking, and it would seem I've "gotten sick" in the neighborhood of 250 times. That's probably 20 times more than an average non-drinker, and isn't good for your teeth, throat, or stomach. I know many people don't get sick when they drink a lot. I do. If you black out, that's even worse.

In a different view, I don't sleep as well after 3 or more drinks.  I think I do but i don't, and that leads to more coffee during the day which also hurts sleep.  More sleep will help me stay feeling younger longer.

Finally, I mentioned exercise before as a result of having more time, but exercise is even more possible if I'm not drinking.  I've never been able to have three beers at happy hour, then go home and jog three miles.  Now I'll be able to get into a better routine.


  1. Happy (30th) Birthday Tuff Guy!!
    I left a comment earlier on your last post, but want to stay current.
    If I knew you were drinking as much as you say, then I would have made issue with it.(probably why I didn't know!)
    There are many pitfalls in life. Seen and unseen.
    If you love your LORD, yourself and your wife, he will guide you through to a wonderful life.
    A free will to make choices, a brain to ponder, and a heart to love. (The ingredient for success.)...but then you already know that don't you!

  2. Thanks Dad, I made it home safe from Pittsburgh. Frank Loyed Wright's Falling Water was incredible. It was a beautiful wedding. Great birthday.

  3. Working out is a great deter-ant. Coming home from a great workout, especially when you notice you are getting in shape, it is a lot easier to resist that first drink (which is also the deadliest).
