Thursday, September 16, 2010

The mind wants to be tricked

Magicians know the mind is easily deceived.  Copperfield was always a favorite of mine.  Of course now anyone can look up how this illusion is done on youtube.  I urge you not to.  Try to keep magic alive.  Making an audience genuinely applaud is one of the greatest gifts someone can give the world.

Unfortunately, my own mind will trick me more often than a magician ever could.  I can talk myself into things, rationalize my actions, make excuses.  There are many well documented cognitive biases that prevent us from making the correct decisions.  It is sometimes amazing to me that society is able to funciton at all becasue of them.  See how many you are guilty of - better still, how many have you found in others?  I bet you will find more that way:)

I've convinced myself that not drinking for a year was a good idea after many years of convincing myself otherwise. Have I finally outsmarted myself, or only just begun to understand myself?


  1. Today I learned to how to create visions... I can help you get through this!... wow who ever would've thought you'd need me to help you in life!


  3. lol, mark I love the bowling pin part, and the smug grin on his face:)
